Thursday, 4 October 2012

NEW: Holiday Blogs

We are starting our holiday project as early as that!

The project has three parts, you are to take part in all THREE.

Part 1

You are to make 10 entries in the blogs (3 - This day in the UK, 3 - This day in the USA, 3- This day in Russia), you are free to choose the dates that suit you most and use whatever you like (links, pictures etc). Entry 10 will be assigned to you by Tutor.
Don't forget to sing yur entry (Contributed by ...)

Remember: your entry is to be published once in SIX days or more often.
Don't forget to make your choice for October in our Schedule.

Part 2

Your are to be avid readers, which means that you are to leave 3 commentaries (one per blog) per week. What can your commentary be like?

  1. some interesting fact or facts to do with the facts mentioned;
  2. some traditions to do with the occasion;
  3. some information to do with the celebration 2012;
  4. your own traditions to do with the occasion (only for This day in Russia).
Part 3
You are to render 4 articles (3 English, 1 Russian) to do with holidays and their celebration, which will be published (I hope) in due time in different online papers. You know the rules. 

The renderings are not to be long (6-7 sentences will do), links are to be provided.

They are to be posted in commentaries in our blogs.

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