Thursday, 18 October 2012

Hometask for Saturday, October 20

October 20th is Speech Practice.

Tasks to do:

1) War and Terror: The Changing Faces of Terrorism Today. Speak on the history of terrorism and the ever-changing definition of terrorist activity.

2) Laboratory work 3

The deadline is Saturday, October 20
Part 1 Tasks I and II, Part 2 Tasks III an IV

Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq war

Do you think the war on Iraq is a just war? Why/ why not?

3) Print the handout and do all the execises to do with Terrorism.


+ Weekly online tasks!!!


  1. I don't think that the war in Iraq is a just war at all. The USA started it just because they wanted to invade Iraq. George W. Bush, in his speech to the UN security council said that Saddam Hussein had used chemical weapons and tried to develop biological and nuclear weapons. But, in fact, there was no evidence of any. And all that took away lives of millions of innocent Iraqi people, developing strong hatred towards the USA. And I also know that many people believe that George W. Bush knowingly used false or misleading intelligence about situation in Iraq..All in all, the USA is not the center of the world, and it is not in its power to decide whom to live and whom to die. I believe that the best thing for the US to do is to stay home and mind their own business; concentrate on building up their defenses on their continent, and developing the US economy to help American people to live in peace.

    1. Excellent!
      ... THE situation in Iraq
      ... defences ...

  2. I also don't think the war on Iraq is a just war. For me at first the situation in Iraq seemed to be a war conflict, where the state was accused of the development of weapons of mass destruction. A special Commission was sent in Iraq for liquidation of weapons and ending the programmes of developing chemical, nuclear, missile and biological weapons. But in 1995 all signs of the existence of weapons were destroyed (Hussein Kamel: “I ordered destruction of all chemical weapons. All weapons: biological, chemical, missile, nuclear were destroyed.”), so foe several years the Commission was reporting to the US that the state hadn't resumed its production. But this information hadn't been made public, and it's an open secret that George W. Bush had repeatedly spoken about the purchase of Iraq uranium (though it was based on the facts suspicion). However, after the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, the military conflict escalated into a war, because the U.S. believed Iraq was responsible for the attack. Therefore, under the pretext of eliminating WMD Bush repeatedly warned of military action against Iraq for destruction of Saddam Hussein.

    1. Well done!
      ... I don't think EITHER ...
      ... sent TO Iraq for THE liquidation ...
      all THE signs ...
      ... THE destruction ...

  3. The situation in Iraq is difficult to objective judgment but I am sure that this is not a just war. It began some years ago when the US president G. Bush decided to invade Iraq in order to find weapons. Firstly, the US pointed out that Iraq produce nuclear and chemical weapons and this fact was the main for the war. Ordinary people did not know that all weapons in Iraq were destroyed by the order of Hussein Kamel and that is why the US still had a reason to invade. And the 9/11 was a good ability to it. Saddam Hussein was held responsibility for this terrorism attack and Bush ordered to kill him. But his death was not the main aim.

    1. Well done!
      ... Iraq produced ...
      ... held responsible for ...
      ... nine-eleven was a good OPPORTUNITY for it ...

  4. I also tend to think that the war on Iraq was an unjust war. The coalition mission was "to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, to end Saddam Hussein's support for terrorism, and to free the Iraqi people." However, the Iraq war has failed to serve a single major US foreign policy objective. By saying this, I mean that the war neither has spread democracy in the middle east, nor has lowered the price of gas for the american consummer. It's hard to say but some people believe that if the terrorist attacks on 9/11 had not taken place, the war in Iraq would have happened anyway.

    1. Very good!
      ... to MEET an objective ...

  5. I've watched the video and I would say that the war on Iraq isn't a war. And, by the way, it is not a war at all from my point of view. Personally I think it's an American invasion to the country, because Arabs were said to have chemical and biological weapons, so-called weapons of mass distraction. On its turn, the US Governments didn't prove it.
    Many experts said that Iraq couldn't construct such a weapon. It was only Mr. Bush, the former president of the USA, Mr. Rumsfeld, the former Defense Secretary, and Condoleezza Rise. This short group of "chemists" believes that there were terrorists in Iraq after 9/11. Though there was not any evidence of that fact.
    Saddam Hussein, the leader of Iraq, was out side of Islamist zone. He had been an enemy for Osama Bin Laden and vise versa. The war had no connection with terrorism. There was no part of picture of terrorism, before USA invaded.
    The government didn't tell the real position as they didn't have a clear answer, concerning such a problem.
    The goal, which the USA was pursing, is to do dominate the world, be a superpower, a global country everywhere.
    In 1990s became clearer that Iraq didn't have a nuclear weapon program, but over and over again the USA Offices showed old documents which have no arguments.
    Also there were lots of inspections: as a result - more that 95% of all arsenals of Iraq Army had been searched, but the result was nothing.
    And it's an open secret, that Americans had supported that country to open broader the door between Washington and Bagdad.
    Lot's of former officers say, that it's imperialism or colonialism if you attack another country with no justification. Services have no defense for what they have done. It was only a decoration of a war. It was a stupid adventure with terrorism for George-...-Cowboy.
    In my opinion the conflict started when the USA came to know that the road to oil resources and ruling on Middle East was opened after 9/11 and also it was a good chance to hang the crime for the leader of the country.
    An American Democracy, Ladies and Gentlemen!

    1. Mind the deadline!
      ... invasion OF ...
      ... the so-called ...
      In its turn ...
      ... SMALL group...
      ... outside THE Islamist zone ...

  6. Thank you, the discussion is over!
    No more comments!
