Thursday, 18 October 2012

Hometask for Wednesday, October 24

October 24th is Speech Practice.

The task for Wednesday is basically the same.

Some of you will be given an extra task.

Tasks to do:

1) War and Terror: The Changing Faces of Terrorism Today. Speak on the history of terrorism and the ever-changing definition of terrorist activity.

2) Laboratory work  4.

The deadline is Wednesday, October 24.
Part 2 Tasks III and IV, Part 3 Tasks V an VI

Watch the video and leave a commentary (in this blog).

BBC. Afganistan: War without End

Do you share the opinion that that this war is endless? Why/ why not?

Individual Tasks. Volunteers Wanted!!!

1) Afganistan News (5 one-sentence news items dated October 17-24)
2) Iraq News (5 one-sentence news items dated October 17-24)
3) Syria News (5 one-sentence news items dated October 17-24)
4) World News (5 one-sentence news items dated October 17-24)

All pieces of news are to do with war conflicts and terror!!!

P.S.: If you want to volunteer, pls, choose the subject you would like to cover!
By the way each of you will have to do a similar task TWICE in the weeks to come!


  1. I think this war is endless because Muslims very differ from Euripean people.Well,"Mountaun" nation have no certain location. So,today’s combat directly touches the lives of only a small minority Americans — militarily members and families — and much of the majority remains uninformed or misinformed about many of the causes and effects of the Iraq/Afghan adventures. Obama may thus eventually be able to convey the illusion of military success, which will help pave the way for future imperial violence unless the people of the United States wise up and act en masse to prevent future aggressive wars.

    1. Good!
      ... differ very much ..
      Well,"Mountaun" (? - is the spelling correct?) nation HAS no certain location
      the lives of only a small NUMBER of Americans — militaRY men and THEIR families

  2. I don’t know the further development of the situation in Afghanistan as well as tha answer whether any of the USA of Britain’s goals will be achieved by their campaign, but I am sure that this war won’t profit them any good results. The USA and their NATO allies, in spite of solving their internal problems, try to to stanch the best from this situation, in fact making the matter worse. I think that the USA act too straightforward (probably it is the features of their national character), they only talk about the establishment of the democracy and their successes in a war on terror, thus convincing only themselves in it. However, it seems only as the political pressure and the undisguised desire to spread their influence. Until the USA begin to think about the consequences of such methods, the situation won’t change (in the best case). As a result we’ve got the opposite results. I think that it’s better to pay more attention on the rising the moral value and the education in your own country to avoid the recruiting of the natives to terrorists. So,the war in Afganistan as well as in Iraq and any other country which has the completely different culture, traditions and mentality is endless.

    1. Good!
      I don’t know WHAT the further development of the situation in Afghanistan IS GOING TO BE LIKE AND ... whether any of the USA AND Britain’s goals will be achieved by their campaign, but I am sure that this war won’t yield any good results.
      ...act too straightforwardLY ...

  3. I don't think this war will ever end, because, if we recall history, it started in 1978, and up to the present time the situation hasn't change, only leaders (with another goals and programmes) have changed. “My father's dream was to get America to invade Afghanistan” (Osama bin Laden's son), and after 9/11 it happened. But that time the US wanted to get in and out softly. So when the situation in Afghanistan was established and the Taliban suddenly vanished, the US government didn't care much about the state's future, as in 2002 the group appeared and that was a forgotten war. The that was far from over. Then in 2009 Obama ordered to bring the war to a successful conclusion. Besides, in 2017 America will withdraw its troops from Afghanistan, IF its government can prevent the Taliban's arrival. Of course it's hard to predict the course of events in future, but in 2015 if a new leader, with his own views and beliefs about the situation in Afghanistan, comes to power, there is no confidence that he won't start all over again. But if the leader doesn't change, anyway there is no confidence that Obama will maintain his policy, as Afghanistan is like powder keg that can explode at any moment.

    1. Very good!
      ... hasn't changeD
      that was a forgotten war, WHICH was far from over.
      to bring the war to a successful end.

  4. I can't to predict the future, but I think even if this war ends, it will continue for a very long time. America is a too powerful country to give up, and the Taliban is too devoted to its affair. The USA can't afford themselves to lose because too much things are at stake. As for Taliban, they are fanatics which stop at nothing.

    1. Fair!
      ... can't predict ...
      America is too powerful A country to give up...
      The USA can't afford (no 'themselves') TO lose ...
      Too MANY things ...

  5. I think that the USA should understand at last that there is no military solution in Afghanistan. So and in no other way Americans can reduce the threat of terrorism against which they are fighting for many years. Besides, it is a well known fact, that the majority of Americans support action of speeding up the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. So, the US government should listen to the voice of its citizens and of the international community, and understand that it is time to break the near decade-long status quo of costly, destabilizing war in Afghanistan. It is time to compel the swift, complete withdrawal of all troops and military contractors.

    1. Good!
      ... in no other way Americans can reduce the threat of terrorism against which they HAVE BEEN fighting for many years
      ... quo of THE costly, destabilizing war in Afghanistan.
      It is time to compel the swift, complete withdrawal of all THE troops and military contractors.

  6. In my opinion, this war is endless; any war with people like these is endless. Their history showed that they can fight for the country and will never give up. The USA will not able to achieve its goals in Afghanistan because native citizens will always fight back. They have the powerful key – terrorism and people who make it are everywhere and nowhere at the same time. The US and the countries that would like to invade Afghanistan will continue to suffer from terrorism. Thus, the governments of some countries want to win this Islamic country and received terrorist’s attacks. Then they wanted to pay for them and sent the forces in Afghanistan and were suffered from more attacks. And this process is endless if only such countries as the US finally understand that it is better for them not to touch Afghanistan at all. But we know the US and this variant is not the expected one.

  7. There is much speculation as to whether the war in Afghanistan is endless or not. Well, I think it is high time or it's better to say there is a clear and pressing need to end the folly of prosecuting a war in Afghanistan. It is obvious that every country that ever tried to occupy and control Afghanistan failed. The same will come about America. I wish that Afghanistan would become a peaceful nation despite its long violent history. This is all I could say.

  8. I've watched the video and I can say that I share the opinion that this war is endless. The whole operation doesn’t give people; I mean soldiers and their chiefs, a clear idea that there is an end of this war. The Americans and the British were totally absent minded from what they want in this country. The war was the preparation for the war in Iraq.
    As we see from the film, Afghanistan had already led the war against Russian invasion in 1990s. And consequently we may say that Americans and British especially didn't tech that lesson.
    Soldiers didn't understand against whom they were fighting, because of the fact, that Afghanistan didn’t have regular army and police system. But at the same time the center of national terrorism was situated on the territory of Afghanistan. It is the city Quetta. Which has been supported by Osama Bin Laden - the terrorist number one - who helped Taliban regime.
    When Bush declared that terrorist, who wanted to occupy Afghan now occupied Guantanamo - the famous American prison in the Middle East, he believed that the war would stop sooner, but the president and his government couldn’t see the Taliban come back.
    Personally I think the war is endless. It’s Afghanistan business how to fight against terrorism. They may ask foreign countries to help them, but it's not a good idea to invasion the Arabian country. Many native leavers say that Americans tanks here for killing, Americans soldiers her for killing and Americans idea is to kill them.
    There is only one way, to my mind, to destroy terrorism in this country, which has corruption system. It's to make mass cleaning-up. But it's impossible, as lots of civilians died.
    It will be difficult to solve the problem, even if troops go away.

  9. Thank you,
    the discussion is over!
