Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Homework for Saturday, September 30th

Saturday is Speech Pratice.

1. Laboratory work 4.
Tasks I, II (questions 2, 4, 7), III, VI (questions 2-8 ) in writing
Task V - omit.
2. Do the tasks in writing in the handout.
3. Media Project. Newspaper Profile.

The media project is a PowerPoint presentation of the newspaper you choose.
Things to include:

1) Key facts
2) Brief history
3) Key figures
4) Overview of the paper's sections  (i.e. what articles it runs in a typical edition). You are to select an August or September online paper and briefly present its content under sections.

4. Ongoing online tasks

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Rendering: Week 4

Should Google censor an anti-Islam video?

In the commentaries to this entry:

What do YOU think?

Read the article and write whose party you side with? Why?
If you have an opinion of your own (there is noone to side with), state it supporting it with 2-3 arguments of your own.

In your own blog:
Render an article to do with this anti-Ilam video.

Homework for Wednesday, September 26th

Wednesday is Speech Pratice.

1. Topics 1 and 6, the former to be presented orally in class!
2. Topic 4 - to revise and be ready to present in class
3. Laboratory work 3.
Tasks I-VI in writing
Task V - omit.

4. Ongoing online tasks

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Our grammar blog

Our grammar blog

You are free to join, but remember you are to do all ONLINE exercises in due time.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Great Journalism Movies

We have two more weeks to work with Mass Media.

Here is a list of the the 10 best journalism movies.

You can select one or two, see and leave your impression in the commentary.

Rendering: week 3

A guide to analysing TV programmes

Here is a guide to analysing TV programmes. 
You can add or omit certain points.
Your investigation is to be posted in the commentaries.
Pls, prove whatever you say by fact, i.e. be ethical.

1. What is the name of the programme?
2. What channel runs it?
3. Who is the host?
4. See if they follow the principles of the code

Seek Truth and Report It
·         Is the accuracy of information tested from all sources and care is exercised to avoid inadvertent error?
·         Are sources of information identified or are they anonymous?
·         Do headlines, news teases and promotional material, photos, video, audio, graphics, sound bites and quotations adequately represent the content or do they oversimplify or highlight incidents out of context?
·         Is there any evidence of plagiarism? If there is, specify.
·         Is there analysis and commentary in the programme? Are they labeled? Do they adequately represent fact or context?

Minimize Harm
·         Is compassion for those who may be affected adversely by news coverage shown?
·         Is the host sensitive when seeking or using interviews or photographs of those affected by tragedy or grief?
·         Is the right of  private people to control information about themselves recognized?

Act Independently
·         Are conflicts of interest avoided?
·          Is there any evidence that there is some kind of special treatment, shun secondary employment or political involvement?
·         Are advertisers denied favored treatment?

Be Accountable

·         Is news coverage clarified and explained?
·         Is dialogue with the public over journalistic conduct invited?
Is the public encouraged to voice grievances against the news media?

5. Is the programme ethical? What makes you think so?

Hometask for Saturday, September 22nd

Speech Practice:

1. Laboratory works 1 and 2 (only handwritten labworks are accepted, start a copybook for them)!!!
Tasks to do: 
Labwork 1 Part 1: I and II (question 1-5)
Labwork 1 Part 2: III and IV (question 1, 2, 4, 8, 9)

Labwork 2 Part 1: I and II (question 1, 3-6, 8-10, 12)
Labwork 2 Part 2: III and IV (question 1-7)

2. Topic 4.
Mass Media: The Ethics of the Journalist Profession. Speak on the journalist ethics and standards, their evolution, purposes and common elements. What are codes of practice like in practice?

Outline (only a suggestion)

Introduction (from general to specific)
A quote on ethics - a definition - purposes - common elements (enumerated and most difficult explained e.g. ... accountability, i.e. (read as that is) ... - thesis (what you are going to write about in the main body)

In 4 paragraphs I woud discuss the Code of Practice we worked with in class in detail and illustrate each block of principles with current examples which either demonstarte the code in practice or violate certain principles. One example per paragraph - fron newspapers or television.

Conclusion (from sppecific to general)
A one-sentence summary of what aspects you have touched upon in your topic - ethics today - your vision and attitude to journalism ethics and their necessity

3. Your investigation on journalism ethics. (See my next entry). This is part of your individual research work (НИРС), intead fo aRussian article.

Hometask for Wednesday, September 19th

Home Reading

M. Joseph A Splash of Publicity, pp. 145-154

1. Questions to do in writing: 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 15, 16

2. NEW! Online Impression (Post it in the commentary, pls)

3. Interpretation (in writing and by heart)

Your interpretation is to include:
1. Author
2. Title (its direct and indirect meanings)
3. Themes (main and sub-themes)
4. Plot summary (8-10 sentences)
5. Main idea
6. Character sketch (one of the three main characters)
7. Impression

See Guidelines for the Interpretation of a Short Story

That's how stories are interpreted in Year 4, we are just making our first step, thus we do ONLY points I, IV and VII.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

A Guide to Writing a Film Review

Here is a guide to writing a good film review!

Your first movie to watch

This week you are to watch and review your first film.

Lions for Lambs (2007)

This film can be seen online (See All Movies List Blog, in my list) or downloaded you know how, I hope!)

Our blogs

We are finally TEN.
Here is a list of our blogs.

Make an online community.
Don't forget that you are to comment in each other's blogs - at least 2 commentaries per week.
Each comment is 0,2 point. You will need it as a bonus.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Reminder: Homework for Wednesday

For Wednesday:

1.      Mass Media Vocabulary  and Vocabulary Exercises
2.      Topic: Top News of 2012 (to write and learn by heart)
3.      Texts on Journalism Ethics (see links in your teacher’s blog)
Online tasks:
4.      Comment on the article in the teacher’s blog
5.      Render an article on a topical problem in your blog.
6.      Post a list of books you have read in Years 1 and 2, and are to read in Year 3 Term 5.

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Journalism ethics and standards

Journalism ethics and standards

SPJ Code of Ethics

P.S. Let's start our first sharebox: if you see anything of interest to do with journalism ethics, post the links in  the commentaries.

Newspaper Rendering

This week you are to select an article to do with one of the news in your topic and render it in 8-10 sentences in your blog.

Here is the handout to help you with the task.

P.S. Don't forget to post the link to your article!

Olympics 2012: the alternative medals table

What do you think about these medals tables? Are they more accurate?
What is the best way of judging the Olympic Games, in your opinion?

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Kate Chopin

This week's story was Kate Chopin's The Unexpected.
There are things you are to know to understand her writing better.

The Historical Context of Kate Chopin's Short Stories

Major Themes

P.S.: If you come across other interesting and helpful sites to do with the writer and her works, share with us!

Paper News in Trouble

As you might know newspapers are in trouble nowadays! Agree?
There ARE reasons for it. What do you think they are?
Chris Anderson shares his views on the problem with paper news!

The Problem with Paper News

What do you think about it? Do you share his opinion or have one of your own?


Hello, everyone!
Here I am at last, just following the suit!

In my blog I am going to post links to  interesting web-resources for you to follow, read and comment!