Here is a guide to analysing TV programmes.
You can add or omit certain points.
Your investigation is to be posted in the commentaries.
Pls, prove whatever you say by fact, i.e. be ethical.
1. What is the name of the programme?
2. What channel runs it?
3. Who is the host?
4. See if they follow the principles of the code
Seek Truth and Report It
Is the accuracy of information tested from all sources
and care is exercised to avoid inadvertent error?
Are sources of information identified or are they
Do headlines, news teases and promotional material,
photos, video, audio, graphics, sound bites and quotations adequately represent
the content or do they oversimplify or highlight incidents out of context?
Is there any evidence of plagiarism? If there is,
Is there analysis and commentary in the programme? Are
they labeled? Do they adequately represent fact or context?
Is compassion for those who may be affected adversely
by news coverage shown?
Is the host sensitive when seeking or using interviews
or photographs of those affected by tragedy or grief?
Is the right of private people to control information about
themselves recognized?
Are conflicts of interest avoided?
Is there any
evidence that there is some kind of special treatment, shun secondary employment
or political involvement?
Are advertisers denied favored treatment?
Is news coverage clarified and explained?
Is dialogue with the public over journalistic conduct
Is the public encouraged to voice grievances against the news media?
5. Is the
programme ethical? What makes you think so?