Saturday, 24 November 2012

Rendering: week 11

Read a New York Times article:

Nudging Recycling From Less Waste to None

What do you think about the 'zero waste' strategy? Do you think we should also adopt one? Why/ why not?

Make a commentary in this blog.

In your blogs you are to render an article to do with ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (published in 2012)!

Hometask for Saturday, December 1

December 1 is Speech Practice.


1. Rendering: week 11


2. Laboratory work 3

Something to think about ... and comment on (in the commentaries)

BBC Earth The Climate Wars 1 of 3 Battle Begins

Watch the whole documentary if you feel like it.
Are we really in for the new Ice Age, do you think? Why/ why not?


2. Rendering: week 11

3. Texts 1-2 from English-3 Part -1 p. 78-92

You are to find recent examples of different types of pollutuion (3-5)

Hometask for Wednesday, November 28

November 28 is Speech Practice.


1. Laboratory work 3

Something to think about ... and comment on (in the commentaries)

BBC Earth The Climate Wars 1 of 3 Battle Begins

Watch the whole documentary if you feel like it.
Are we really in for the new Ice Age, do you think? Why/ why not?


2. Rendering: week 11

3. Topics 18, plus 15 and 17
Three written, two by heart

18. Home Reading: Daydreaming or Reality? Why do some people prefer to live in the world of their dreams rather than in the real world? Compare the real Walter Mitty with the Walter Mitty of his secret life? (Based on James Thurber’s The Secret Life of Walter Mitty).
Before you write, look through this site:


15. Environmental Issues: “Global warming is too serious for the world any longer to ignore its danger or split into opposing factions on it” (Tony Blair). Speak on global warming, its causes and consequences. Do you agree with the quote? What can be done to fight the problem.
17. Environmental Issues: Environmental Issues in the News. Speak on the news coverage of environmental issues in the foreign and home media.

Video for Labwork 1

BBC Hot Planet!

Here is a new LINK!!!

If you fail to find it, ggogle or youtube 'bbc hot planet'

Good luck!

I'm interested in your impressions.

Did you learn anything new from it?

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Rendering: week 10

Climate Change: Lessons from Ronald Regan

Which is the most important lesson, in your opinion, and why?

Make a commentary in this blog.

In your blogs you are to render an article to do with POLLUTION (published in 2012)!

Hometask for Friday, November 23

November 23 is Speech Practice.


1. Vocabulary by heart

2. Laboratory works 1 and 2

3. Rendering: week 10

4. Multimedia Project for 'Environment'
So far you are to choose the topic and list it HERE.
Areas to cover:

  • environmental problems (causes, evidence, consequences, ways to fight);
  • modern catastrophes to do with environmental problems (causes, key facts, effects and lessons learnt, i.e. the it changed the society and its attitudes)

5. Topics 15 and 17
Both written, one by heart

15. Environmental Issues: “Global warming is too serious for the world any longer to ignore its danger or split into opposing factions on it” (Tony Blair). Speak on global warming, its causes and consequences. Do you agree with the quote? What can be done to fight the problem.
17. Environmental Issues: Environmental Issues in the News. Speak on the news coverage of environmental issues in the foreign and home media.

Hometask for Wednesday, November 21

November 21 is Home Reading.

The story to read is The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber.

Questions to do in writing.
(Sorry, I cannot give you their numbers, but you are to eliminate all the questions which we cover in interpretations: title, summary, theme, idea, character sketchers, impression).

Interpretation in writing and be ready to present it in class.

Share the impressions in the commentaries.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Hometask for Friday, November 15

November 15 th is Speech Practice.

Tasks to do:

1) English-3.

Texts 1-2 from English-3 Part -1 p. 78-92
Texts 1-4 from English-3 Part -1 pp. 92-100

2) Topic 17. Environmental Issues in the News. Speak on the news coverage of environmental issues in the foreign and home media.


3) Laboratory work 2. Parts I-IV.

Here is one more documentary on global warming. 
What do you think about it? Is it convincing and fact-based? What did it make you think about?

Discovery Channel - Global Warming, What You Need To Know, with Tom Brokaw

Wednesday, 7 November 2012


This is part of your project on Environment.

Whatever you do - read up for the class, render articles, review films - you are to pick up NEW interesting words and word combinations to do with our topic.

5 words or word combinations per task to make the total of 30. don't forget to date and sign your contributions.

Add them to the NEW ENVIRONMENT VOCABULARY online  list.


Saturday, 3 November 2012

Rendering: week 9

Read the article 

Do you think Sandy has anything to do with global warming? Why/ why not?

Find an article on global warming (no older than 6 months) and render it in your blog!

Top environmental movies

If you consider this genre more topical nowadays, watch the films in the lists below.

List 1
List 2

Share your impression in the commentary.

The deadline is November, 30.

If you know other noteworthy ENVIRONMENTAL movies, pls contribute to the list!

The third movie to watch

Here is your film for November.

The Pelican Brief (1993)

The reviews are to be posted in your blogs!

Hometask for Wednesday, November 13

November 13 th is Speech Practice.

Tasks to do:

1) Vocabulary "Environmental Protection"

2) Vocabulary Work (exercises).

Vocabulary exercises 1-10, pp 62-73
Texts 1-3, from English-3 Part -1 p. 73-78

3) Rendering: week 9 (in your blogs). 

Deadline: Monday, November 11

4) Laboratory work 1. Parts I-VI

Watch the video and leave a commentary (in this blog).

Is the situation as grave as the film describes? What makes you think so?
What do you think of the solutions that ingenious technology and science offer?

Hot Planet? - BBC Documentary (HD)

Hometask for Friday, November 7

Friday 7 is Speech Practice.

This is our FINAL lesson on WAR and TERROR.

Make sure you have no debts. See the updated portfolio.


1) Topic 9 Terrorism – a Difficult War to Fight. Speak on the major counter-terrorism measures taken by the global community and the basic safety guidelines we all should be aware of.

Write and learn by heart.

2)  Topic 25Pleasure Reading: Speak about your book in pleasure reading (its title, major themes and ideas, plot, key characters, language)

Write and learn by heart.

Our second class is Translation (Class in Written Practice)

P.S.: It makes sense to make an early start with our next topic "Environmental Protection".

Hometask for Wednesday, November 7

November 7 is Speech Practice.

We are summing up the material on 'War and Terror'.

You are to be ready:

1) to discuss the topic 'Counterterrorism'

Read  your notes:

Major Counterrorism Measures

 Basic Safety Guidelines

2) to present 3 topics, 2 by heart (7 or 10) and 12 (based on the 'Gardener') and 1 in writing.

3) Weekly online tasks.

4) Individual Tasks. Volunteers Wanted!!!

Sorry - those  who volunteered for the previous week will answer as well!
1) Afganistan News (5 one-sentence news items dated November 1-5)
2) Iraq News (5 one-sentence news items dated 
November 1-5)
3) Syria News (5 one-sentence news items dated 
November 1-5)
4) World News (5 one-sentence news items dated 
November 1-5)

All pieces of news are to do with war conflicts and terror!!!

P.S.: If you want to volunteer, pls, choose the subject you would like to cover!
By the way each of you are to do a similar task TWICE in the weeks to come!